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Hounslow Town Primary SchoolTo inspire, to encourage, to learn, to achieve


Assessment at Hounslow Town Primary School




This is our method of measuring and showing progress, set targets, plan from and is the language we use with the children, displayed in the classroom and in books.  

What is it?  

For each core subject, we assess the child’s understanding and application. This helps us make a formative judgement of where the child is presently and then likely to be at the end of the academic year. 

D for a key concept means showing limited concrete signs of comprehension. 

A means they are showing understanding of it and beginning to apply it.  

R means they can apply it confidently.  

E means they are adept in application and use across the board. 




Visual flower DARE

Still image for this video
Visual flower DARE
School Journey Update- children have all arrived safe and sound! They have gone straight into their first activity and are having fun!
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