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Hounslow Town Primary SchoolTo inspire, to encourage, to learn, to achieve

Rainbow MLD Centre

Welcome to Rainbow MLD Centre


A warm welcome to all our children and families.

The Rainbow Centre classes and staff are:
Amethyst - Ms Sayers
Lilac – Mrs Griggs 
Purple – Mrs Oyetunde 
Violet – Mr Hamza 

Lavender- Mr Jordan


 The Centre Manager for Rainbow Centre and school SENCO is Ms Rachel Howard


Rainbow Centre Description


The Rainbow Centre is a Specialist Resource Provision for children with Moderate learning difficulties (MLD). Every child who attends the Rainbow Centre and their families are part of the Hounslow Town Primary School community. Our school moto is "to inspire, to encourage, to learn, to achieve" and we apply this to the children in Rainbow as they learn within the centre and across the wider school.  
Our Setting

The Rainbow Centre has 23 places for children aged 4 – 11 with Moderate learning difficulties. All staff are caring and patient towards the children and receive the necessary training to enable them to support and teach children effectively. Teaching staff and our Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist work closely together to develop a holistic therapeutic approach.  
Our Curriculum
Teaching staff deliver differentiated lessons based on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and National Curriculum ensuring each child’s learning is appropriate for them and has suitable challenge within it. Along with English and Maths lessons we teach PSHE, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, Art, Design and Technology. The children receive their Physical Education and Music lessons from specialist teachers.

This ensures the children learn skills across the breadth of the curriculum, we develop their individual strengths and facilitate opportunities for inclusion within their mainstream class. The length or frequency of these lessons in Rainbow are less than our mainstream setting as we place a greater emphasis on developing each child’s ‘Social Communication’, ‘Emotional Regulation’, ‘Play and Interaction’ and ‘Independence’ skills through targets outlined in their termly Pupil Support Plan. These areas are at the heart of our curriculum and are intrinsic to all learning opportunities.
We believe that:
•    Each child should be nurtured and feel part of a safe and positive learning environment.
•    Learning and relationship building takes place best within natural routines and engaging activities.
•    All children should develop spontaneous and functional communication as well as ways to understand and regulate their emotions and sensory state.
•    All children should be given the opportunities to develop their play skills to support them taking pleasure in social relationships and progress their problem-solving abilities.
•    We need to encourage independence so all children achieve their potential and in order to improve the children’s and families’ quality of life.
•    All behaviour has a purpose and we need to find the reason for a behaviour in order to put appropriate supports in place.
•    It is imperative to listen to the views of our pupils and attempt to understand their experience of the world.
•    Family members are experts about their child and we listen and collaborate with them to ensure the best outcomes for the child.
•    As part of the school community, our children have opportunities for inclusion within Hounslow Town Primary School. Inclusion is organised on an individualised basis and will be different for each child based on their needs, interests and strengths.


Children who attend the Rainbow Centre have an Education, Health and Care Plan and require access to a mainstream environment. Admission is decided by the local authority though their SEND Panel Meetings. 
We offer a tour of the Rainbow Centre every half term. Please contact the school’s office 0208 570 1747) and ask to be booked on a tour.




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Last day of term Friday 14th February 2025.
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