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Hounslow Town Primary SchoolTo inspire, to encourage, to learn, to achieve

E Safety Zone

Hi, I'm Sam the Internet Spy...and I want to help you be smart and stay safe whilst using the internet, at school or at home or anywhere!


Never tell a stranger who I am or where I live  This means don't give out your name, number, address or information that might identify you, even if they seem to be friendly. Tell your teacher or parent if someone asks you for this information and remember never send pictures of yourself to strangers online.
You can say NO! Don't let others talk you into doing something on the internet your parents wouldn't want you to do. Remember your responsibilities... you may need to say NO, in order to do the right thing.
Keep a safe distance from strangers No matter where you are on the internet, remember you are in a place where there are many people who can freely come and go. The internet is like a big city. Some of these people will be strangers, so follow safety rules with these, as you would in real life.There are good and bad people on the internet, so keep strangers at a distance. On the internet, that means only do what your teachers or parents say is OK to do.
Tell! Tell your teacher or parent if you see something you think you shouldn't. Remember, bad things on the internet are not YOUR fault. Tell and your parent or teacher will know what to do about it.
Use safe search Safe search is on our website - use it! If you know other sites, please tell your teacher before you look at them.


Now, don't forget our Fronter Charter! Do you remember your rights and responsibilities?

Let me remind you of them....


We have the right to use the website safely....

and the responsibility to: 

  • Keep our passwords to ourselves and remember them
  • Only give out appropriate details
  • Add any hyperlinks that are linked to education
  • Only add pictures and details of people who have given written permission
  • Only share our email addresses with people we know and trust
  • Respect other people's pages                                                                                

    We  have the right to use the website appropriately... and the responsibility to:

  • Make sure our website is appropriate for school
  • To use language and pictures that does not offend anyone
  • Send stickies and emails that are polite, sensible and friendly
  • To inform the teacher or  parent if we receive an email that is not appropriate or offends us.                                                                                                            

    We have the right to look at other children's pages...and the responsibility to:

  • Respect the pages and not alter them
  • Praise other children's work


Advice for children, parents and schools 

Think U Know?


Home Office site for pupils and parents explaining Internet dangers and how to stay in control.




Childnet International


Hector's World for (Children in KS 1 and 2)


Did you know that Sam, the Internet Spy was chosen as the winning design in our Internet Safety Mascot Competition? Well done to Sachit, a former pupil.

The design was then made into a digital image and has been animated specially for our website! The whole school voted for designs and the school council organised the voting and shortlisting.
Last day of term Friday 14th February 2025.
  • All website content copyright © Hounslow Town Primary School
  • Website design byPrimarySite
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