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Hounslow Town Primary SchoolTo inspire, to encourage, to learn, to achieve

School Council

The School Council at Hounslow Town Primary School.

At Hounslow Town Primary School we are proud to have pupil representatives that take part in Class and School Council meetings.  The school council works to make improvements to the school and they are in place so that pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them.

Through class council meetings, all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues, share ideas and take part in discussions that involve all of their classmates. In order to reach a democratic solution, wider issues that arise, are then discussed further in committee meetings with representatives from different classes.


Within their committees, the children continue to discuss the issues raised before they report via the chair people in Year 5 and Year 6.  This ensures that as many pupil voices as possible are heard.  Pupils at Hounslow Town Primary School know that this is their school and their thoughts and ideas matter. 

Who are the School Councillors?

We run an election campaign to vote for two new representatives for each class. The representatives are grouped into committees consisting of members from other classes and year groups.

 A good representative will speak at the council meetings about things that their class is interested in. They will also tell their class about what is going on in the council meetings by discussing the agenda and sharing the minutes. 


There are 6 committees (groups) consisting of 8 children, 1 Chair person, 1 Vice person and members from other year groups. 




The chair
The chair of each committee help organise and relay down the information to the younger school councillors. They lead the groups and help the voices of younger children be heard.

The vice of every group jots down notes from every meeting and they also help the younger children understand what has been said in the meetings. Also, they make sure the children share their thoughts and opinions about how we could improve the school. The vice`s notes help us to provide a termly newsletter.

The members of the group think of ideas to share with the committee. They collect the views of their classmates and pass them on to the vice and the chair during first meeting. They also need to share the notes from the meetings with their class and discuss the agenda.



School council news:

Once a term, the School council publish a newspaper/magazine with information about the current agenda. This enables the whole school and our wider community to keep up to date with our progress. 

At Hounslow Town Primary School, we welcome ideas and suggestions from our school community, which is why we have an interactive display where children and adults can place their thoughts and suggestions in a suggestion box.

There is also an opportunity to join the debate with our ‘Question of the Month’ and ‘Brainbox’.


School Council Noticeboard in Main Hall

My job as the Chair of a committee:

  • Organise and lead meetings with my committee following the agenda.
  • Meet with the Vice and Miss C to discuss the agenda.
  • Ask my teacher for a some time with my class to discuss school council. 
  • Listen to the discussions and share what we have talked with my class. 
  • Take notes from my class about their views.
  • Bring my class notes/minutes to the committee meeting.
  • Look after my school council file and bring it to meetings.
  • Help write the school council newspaper article- once a month. 


My job as the Vice of a committee:

  • Collect the members of their committee from class.
  • Take a register of who is present at the meeting.
  • Support the Chair to run the meeting.
  • Take notes/minutes during the meeting.
  • Ask my teacher for a some time with my class to discuss school council
  • Listen to the discussions and share what we have talked with my class.
  • Take notes from my class about their views.
  • Bring my class notes/minutes to the committee meeting.
  • Look after my school council file and bring it to meetings.
School Journey Update- children have all arrived safe and sound! They have gone straight into their first activity and are having fun!
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