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Hounslow Town Primary SchoolTo inspire, to encourage, to learn, to achieve

Introduction to our curriculum

Our Curriculum

At Hounslow Town, we feel it is important that the curriculum is not always seen in terms of subjects but also as areas of knowledge and experience through which each child will develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally. Learning should be meaningful to the children and fun!

We follow the new National Curriculum, which consists of 10 subjects plus Religious Education (RE).  We follow a thematic curriculum for Science, Geography, History, Art, DT and ICT which allows the children to learn and apply their skills and knowledge and create a project; giving meaning to the children's learning.


In addition to the National Curriculum subjects, we are aware of the importance of promoting safeguarding and of developing the whole child and their personal, social and health education (PSHE). This is covered by our schemes of work in PSHCE and our Sex and Relationship scheme and is taught at an age appropriate level. This is also covered in our PSHE, science, PE and E-safety lessons. We also place great importance on valuing and understanding the diverse backgrounds of our pupils and so teach RE as enquiry based learning exploring faiths and beliefs. We have our “Hounslow Town values”, which are shared British values common to all faiths and cultures of our community. These are taught through value assemblies each week led by a member of the senior leadership team and are followed up in class lessons.

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