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Hounslow Town Primary SchoolTo inspire, to encourage, to learn, to achieve


Our Vision and Aims


At Hounslow Town Primary School we believe that Literacy is a fundamental life skill. Competence in English enables children to communicate effectively at school and in the wider world, and leads to improved life opportunities. The skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing enable children to organise and express their own thoughts, and to access the knowledge and ideas of others.


To teach reading in Early Years and Key Stage One we use structured reading schemes, including Oxford Reading Tree, Lighthouse and Bug Club. When the children reach Key Stage Two they continue to use Bug Club where the children can read online as well as real books. All children use a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts to enhance their learning in Literacy and across the whole primary curriculum. Children can choose reading books from class book corners or our well stocked library, either at lunchtime or in dedicated library sessions. We also have a Family Lending Library which opens to parents and children after school every Wednesday.


In Early Years and Key Stage One daily phonics allows children to learn the letters and sounds for reading and writing. Here at Hounslow Town we use the Government scheme, Letters and Sounds, and have a comprehensive training scheme for all staff. In Key Stage Two, specific phonics sessions are provided for children who have remained on the Letters and Sounds programme, however most children move on to No Nonsense Spelling. Teachers deliver spelling sessions either two or three times per week based either on this spelling programme or the needs of the children.

Teachers plan weekly grammar lessons using No Nonsense Grammar, which allow children to become confident and accurate writers. They are given opportunities to use and apply their grammar skills in Literacy lessons and throughout the rest of the curriculum.


We use Nelson Handwriting to teach the grip, movements and skills of handwriting so that children reach end of year expectations, and the National Standard in Year 2 and Year 6.


Following the introduction of our Cornerstones curriculum for foundation subjects, Literacy lessons are planned around the year group’s topic. Sequences of learning follow the National Curriculum and children are assessed against end of year key concepts for each year group. High quality fiction and non-fiction texts are used as models of writing and often as a stimulus which engages the children.


Last day of term Friday 14th February 2025.
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