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Hounslow Town Primary SchoolTo inspire, to encourage, to learn, to achieve


Mrs Butt, Mrs Coyne and your child's classteacher are the key contacts when reporting or discussing your child's attendance at school.


It is vitally important that your child attends school regularly and punctually and that you let us know if he or she will be absent that day and that you confirm the absence in a letter when your child returns.

School should be informed of any change to a child’s arrival and collection arrangements. At the close of school or the end of an after- school activity all children must leave the premises.

Holidays in term time are not acceptable and if taken may result in your child being taken off the school roll. Long absences are detrimental to your child’s progress at school. Absence will not normally be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances, which must be put into writing to the Head teacher.  Extended absence could mean that your child’s place is offered to another child an you would have to find another school for your child to attend.

If your child has an appointment at the clinic, doctor, dentist or hospital, please inform the school in advance and in writing so that it can be recorded as an authorised absence. For the safety of your children, they will not be allowed to leave school without a written note or evidence of the appointment e.g. the appointment card

It is very important that you notify the school if you child…

  1. Has an infectious disease e.g. measles or chickenpox

  2. Is admitted to hospital

  3. Is likely to be away for a lengthy period of time.

Last day of term Friday 14th February 2025.
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